Γιόγκα σημαίνει ένωση, ένωση με τον αληθινό Εαυτό!
Ένα μοναδικό μάθημα Γιόγκα στο Χολαργό με τον Brian Schock που συνδυάζει 5 Element Yoga, Iyengar και Ashtanga.
Το μάθημα πραγματοποιείται στα Αγγλικά.
5 Element Υoga is derived from two major traditions of yoga, Iyengar and Ashtanga. 5 Element yoga combines the precision and therapeutic nature of Iyengar yoga with the dynamism and power of Ashtanga. But one major and essential difference is the integration of Chinese 5 element theory, which is imbued into the very conscious style of sequencing of asana. The result is a yoga that is dynamic in its variation between the polarities of stillness and expression.
In 5 element yoga practitioners participate in a yoga session which is designed to respond to various human temperaments, natural forces, and biological and cosmological factors. In fact is it these aspects of daily life that co-create the sequence of asanas and the choice of focus from the 5 elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal.
Master Zhenzan Dao has said of Mogadao 5 element yoga:
“Asana effectively unconceals; we discover in asana what the body knows, beyond all language and beyond the light of consciousness; we tell ourselves our truth in the physical architectures of asana.
Alongside all of the technicalities and cosmologies that make MogaDao Yoga so refined and profound, it is this aspect of telling the truth to ourselves through our bodies in careful asana that is the preeminent characteristic of MogaDao Yoga.
MogaDao Yoga is indeed a Daoist cosmological yoga in which the function, form, and flexion of the specific human anatomy correspond in a detailed way to the Daoist 5 Elements, linking human beings in asana practice to every mood, spirit, and permutation of the cosmos as a whole—making asana practice not so much a technique for transcendence as a ritual of personal transparency: natural, embodied, earthly, and ensouled.”
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